111 (1) A Visitor of Families
“Bhikkhus, possessing five qualities, a bhikkhu who is a visitor of families is displeasing and disagreeable to them and is neither respected nor esteemed by them. What five? (1) He presumes intimacy upon mere acquaintance; (2) he distributes things that he does not own; (3) he consorts with those who are divided;1121 (4) he whispers in the ear; and (5) he makes excessive requests. Possessing these five qualities, a bhikkhu who is a visitor of families is displeasing and disagreeable to them and is neither respected nor esteemed by them.
“Bhikkhus, possessing five [other] qualities, a bhikkhu who is a visitor of families is pleasing and agreeable to them and is respected and esteemed by them. What five? (1) He does not presume intimacy upon mere acquaintance; (2) he does not distribute things that he does not own; (3) he does not consort with those who are divided; (4) he does not whisper in the ear; and (5) he does not make excessive requests. [137] Possessing these five qualities, a bhikkhu who is a visitor of families is pleasing and agreeable to them and is respected and esteemed by them.”
112 (2) An Attendant Monk
“Bhikkhus, possessing five qualities, someone should not be taken along as an attendant monk. What five? (1) He walks too far behind or too close; (2) he does not take your bowl when it is full; (3) he does not restrain you when your speech is bordering on an offense; (4) he keeps on interrupting you while you are speaking; and (5) he is unwise, stupid, obtuse. Possessing these five qualities, someone should not be taken along as an attendant monk.
“Bhikkhus, possessing five [other] qualities, someone may be taken along as an attendant monk. What five? (1) He does not walk too far behind or too close; (2) he takes your bowl when it is full; (3) he restrains you when your speech is bordering on an offense; (4) he does not keep on interrupting you while you are speaking; and (5) he is wise, intelligent, astute. Possessing these five qualities, someone may be taken along as an attendant monk.”
“Bhikkhus, possessing five qualities, a bhikkhu is incapable of entering and dwelling in right concentration. What five? Here, a bhikkhu cannot patiently endure forms, sounds, odors, tastes, and tactile objects. Possessing these five qualities, a bhikkhu is incapable of entering and dwelling in right concentration.
“Bhikkhus, possessing five [other] qualities, a bhikkhu is capable of entering and dwelling in right concentration. What five? [138] Here, a bhikkhu can patiently endure forms, sounds, odors, tastes, and tactile objects. Possessing these five qualities, a bhikkhu is capable of entering and dwelling in right concentration.”
114 (4) Andhakavinda
On one occasion the Blessed One was dwelling among the Magadhans at Andhakavinda. Then the Venerable Ānanda approached the Blessed One, paid homage to him, and sat down to one side. The Blessed One then said to him:
“Ānanda, those bhikkhus who are newcomers, who have recently gone forth, who have just come to this Dhamma and discipline, should be encouraged, settled, and established by you in five things. What five?
(1) “They should be encouraged, settled, and established in the restraint of the Pātimokkha thus: ‘Come, friends, be virtuous; dwell restrained by the Pātimokkha, possessed of good conduct and resort, seeing danger in minute faults. Having undertaken the training rules, train in them.’
(2) “They should be encouraged, settled, and established in the restraint of the sense faculties thus: ‘Come, friends, guard the doors of the sense faculties; take mindfulness as protector; be mindful and alert, possessing a protected mind, a mind under the protection of mindfulness.’
(3) “They should be encouraged, settled, and established in limiting their speech thus: ‘Come, friends, do not talk much. Put limits on your speech.’
(4) “They should be encouraged, settled, and established in bodily seclusion thus: ‘Come, friends, be forest dwellers. Resort to remote lodgings in forests and jungle groves.’
(5) “They should be encouraged, settled, and established in a correct perspective thus: ‘Come, friends, hold right view and have a correct perspective.’1122 [139]
“Ānanda, those bhikkhus who are newcomers, who have recently gone forth, who have just come to this Dhamma and discipline, should be encouraged, settled, and established by you in these five things.”
115 (5) Miserly
“Bhikkhus, possessing five qualities, a bhikkhunī is deposited in hell as if brought there. What five? She is miserly with dwellings, families, gains, praise, and the Dhamma.1123 Possessing these five qualities, a bhikkhunī is deposited in hell as if brought there.
“Bhikkhus, possessing five [other] qualities, a bhikkhunī is deposited in heaven as if brought there. What five? She is not miserly with dwellings, families, gains, praise, and the Dhamma. Possessing these five qualities, a bhikkhunī is deposited in heaven as if brought there.”
116 (6) Praise
“Bhikkhus, possessing five qualities, a bhikkhunī is deposited in hell as if brought there. What five? (1) Without investigating and scrutinizing, she speaks praise of one who deserves dispraise. (2) Without investigating and scrutinizing, she speaks dispraise of one who deserves praise. (3) Without investigating and scrutinizing, she believes a matter that merits suspicion. (4) Without investigating and scrutinizing, she is suspicious about a matter that merits belief. (5) She squanders gifts given out of faith.1124 Possessing these five qualities, a bhikkhunī is deposited in hell as if brought there.
“Bhikkhus, possessing five [other] qualities, a bhikkhunī is deposited in heaven as if brought there. What five? (1) Having investigated and scrutinized, she speaks dispraise of one who deserves dispraise. (2) Having investigated and scrutinized, she speaks praise of one who deserves praise. [140] (3) Having investigated and scrutinized, she is suspicious about a matter that merits suspicion. (4) Having investigated and scrutinized, she believes a matter that merits belief. (5) She does not squander gifts given out of faith. Possessing these five qualities, a bhikkhunī is deposited in heaven as if brought there.”
“Bhikkhus, possessing five qualities, a bhikkhunī is deposited in hell as if brought there. What five? (1) Without investigating and scrutinizing, she speaks praise of one who deserves dispraise. (2) Without investigating and scrutinizing, she speaks dispraise of one who deserves praise. (3) She is envious (4) and miserly. (5) She squanders gifts given out of faith. Possessing these five qualities, a bhikkhunī is deposited in hell as if brought there.
“Bhikkhus, possessing five [other] qualities, a bhikkhunī is deposited in heaven as if brought there. (1) Having investigated and scrutinized, she speaks dispraise of one who deserves dispraise. (2) Having investigated and scrutinized, she speaks praise of one who deserves praise. (3) She is free from envy (4) and from miserliness. (5) She does not squander gifts given out of faith. Possessing these five qualities, a bhikkhunī is deposited in heaven as if brought there.”
118 (8) View
“Bhikkhus, possessing five qualities, a bhikkhunī is deposited in hell as if brought there. What five? (1) Without investigating and scrutinizing, she speaks praise of one who deserves dispraise. (2) Without investigating and scrutinizing, she speaks dispraise of one who deserves praise. (3) She holds wrong view (4) and has wrong intentions. (5) She squanders gifts given out of faith. Possessing these five qualities, a bhikkhunī is deposited in hell as if brought there. [141]
“Bhikkhus, possessing five [other] qualities, a bhikkhunī is deposited in heaven as if brought there. What five? (1) Having investigated and scrutinized, she speaks dispraise of one who deserves dispraise. (2) Having investigated and scrutinized, she speaks praise of one who deserves praise. (3) She holds right view (4) and has right intentions. (5) She does not squander gifts given out of faith. Possessing these five qualities, a bhikkhunī is deposited in heaven as if brought there.”
119 (9) Speech
[As in 5:118, but replace the third and fourth qualities leading to hell and heaven respectively with the following:]
“… (3) She is of wrong speech and (4) wrong action….
“… (3) She is of right speech and (4) right action….”
120 (10) Effort
[As in 5:118, but replace the third and fourth qualities leading to hell and heaven respectively with the following:]
“… (3) She is of wrong effort and (4) wrong mindfulness…. [142]
“… (3) She is of right effort and (4) right mindfulness….”